Medical Examination Scheme (MES) for Construction Workers - Open for booking
Thursday, 28 April 2022
First-come, first-served
Registered workers
Online application (Register by CWR no.)
CIC subsidizes the health check-up of registered workers. Eligible workers may join the MES by paying HK$10. Check items include blood pressure and heart beat reading, glucose, cholesterol, uric acid, liver and renal function tests. MES now offers two additional rounds of booking quota. Details are as follows:
1. 28 April 2022: May-June booking available online
2. 28 June 2022: July-August booking available online
Limited quota are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Remarks: Booked timeslot is unchangeable. If applicant fails to attend the scheduled appointment, the booking will be invalid.
Enquiry: 5498 5946 (Tel/WhatsApp)